Experience the latest innovation in body contouring with PHYSIQ
Ready to level-up your Physiq?
Meet PHYSIQ- an FDA-cleared body treatment device designed to help you achieve the body you desire!
How does PHYSIQ work?
​PHYSIQ utilizes exclusive STEP technology – two modalities that target both tissue and muscles in one treatment. PHYSIQ is the only device to utilize STEP technology (Sequential Thermal & Electrical Pulse) for the body by incorporating both electrical muscle stimulation and deep heat to target tissue. This facilitates toning of muscles and elimination of fat in the same painless, non-surgical treatment. Additionally. multiple targeted areas of stubborn fat can be treated (abdomen, flanks, thighs, buttocks, arms, calves, and more).
Downtime? None!
Following your PHYSIQ treatment with one of our licensed providers, there is absolutely no downtime! The procedure takes less than one hour so you can conveniently complete a treatment during your lunch break or while out running errands, and return to your day as normal immediately following your treatment.
Am I a Good Candidate for PHYSIQ?
Answer these following questions and find out!
Are you a generally healthy person, above 18 years old?
Are you moderately overweight (BMI less than 30kg/ m2)?
Do you have bulged and dimpled skin appearance on body or visible fat deposits in the lower face?
Have you considered having liposuction surgery but prefer to try a none-invasive approach?
If you have answered ‘yes’ to these questions there’s a great chance you can highly benefit from this treatment!
​What is the Cost of PHYSIQ?
Cost varies based on the following:
Quantity of areas being treated
Number of treatments required
Prior to treatment, recommendations and costs will be discussed. We accept all major credit cards.